Gratitude: The Master Key

Recently a thought occurred — what if I was to simply rely on the magic of gratitude to connect me to opportunities, rather than the myriad of overwhelming digital channels like FB, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, etc?

As a result, my income more than doubled in the last month, I’ve had a lot more free time and I’m feeling more peaceful than ever. And all that is certainly no coincidence.

Perhaps my marketing skills weren’t as good as I thought AND perhaps you’re not as obsessive about these things as I was, but the point is that we live in an inside-out world, and this obsession with this shallow digital space isn’t helping us nearly as much as we might think — but I can attest to the fact that it definitely IS harming us to some degree.

Of course, I remain in the middle because, much like some of you, the majority of my work requires the digital space to even exist. Perhaps that’s why I love designing physical things like books so much more than purely digital “things” like websites and interactives.

But I’m not here to talk about design and marketing (well, not today anyway! haha), I’m here to deep dive a little into the idea that gratitude is the “Master Key” to expanding bliss, wellbeing, love and abundance in our lives — in fact, ANYTHING we desire more of…

Seek (to Observe) and You Shall Find

“A sub-atomic particle literally occupies an infinite number of places — a state called ‘super-position’ — until OBSERVATION MANIFESTS IT in one place…

…in Quantum Mechanics, a decision to look or not look actually determines what will be there. In this sense, an observers consciousness determines objective reality in the sub-atomic field.”

—Mitch Horowitz

THIS is one of the main reasons I believe gratitude is the MASTER KEY.

Staring into the Infinite Flux of Possibility

When we are grateful for something in our life (no matter how small it may appear right now — even just a bunch of sub-atomic wave-particles in flux that we can’t see with our eyes), then we are “observing it” or “measuring it” (as the quantum physicists say), and in doing so, we are manifesting it to some degree….

The more we observe something with charged e-motion (energy in motion), the more we manifest it as our personal reality.

This goes BOTH ways of course — with things we desire (gratitude) and things we reject (fear)… So let’s focus on gratitude!!

5 Reasons Why Gratitude is The Master Key

1. Frame of Mind and Focus

Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have. This change in perspective opens up a world of possibilities. Studies show that people who practice gratitude regularly experience a 10% reduction in stress levels and a 7% increase in overall well-being.

2. Law of Attraction

The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like. When we are grateful, we send out positive energy that attracts more positive experiences. According to a study by the University of California, gratitude can increase happiness levels by 25%, and joy/happiness is certainly a high-vibrational state.

I’ve been tracking my own experiences with the Law of Attraction, and know for sure that when I lack gratitude, I don’t manifest/attract good things. But the last time I combined a practice of gratitude with the 17 seconds manifestation process, I not only had a really good-feeling number of weeks, but also received an extra $3,500 dollars that month!

3. Higher Vibration and Flow

Gratitude raises our vibrational frequency, aligning us with the flow of the universe. This higher vibration allows us to attract and manifest our desires more effortlessly. Research indicates that gratitude practices can enhance sleep quality by 25%, improve relationships by 15%, and even boost the immune system by 23%.

4. Brings Acceptance

When we practice gratitude, we accept our current circumstances without judgment. This acceptance can lead to peace and contentment, reducing anxiety and fostering emotional resilience. Gratitude has been linked to a 30% increase in life satisfaction.

5. Experiencing the Timeless Self

Gratitude brings us into the present moment, allowing us to experience life as it is, without being clouded by past regrets or future anxieties. This presence helps us connect with our timeless, true selves.

So it makes sense, right?

Gratitude is the master key.

Whether you’re seeking more bliss, love, or abundance, start by appreciating the small things. The universe will respond in kind, and you’ll soon find yourself unlocking doors you never even knew existed.

If you’re looking for a way to develop more gratitude in your life, or if you’re struggling to see the bright side, I recommend you try the Bliss List app — it’s totally free to use and yet it’s probably one of the most valuable “toolkits” for my wellbeing I’ve come across. The 3 main tools in the app (pro-actively tracking good-feeling moments, externalising “noisy” or negative thoughts and saving gratitude notes to read later) have helped me time and time again to get back on my feet and experience a high-vibe life that I’m truly grateful for!

In particular, because BlissList is designed to improve the overall experience of your life (without necessarily needing to change anything), it minimises depression and anxiety exceptionally well, so if you know anyone suffering in this way, it’s well worth sharing it with them so they can get back to a good-feeling place again.

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