Denial as a Path to Wellness? Not normally, but…

Generally speaking, denial isn\’t a good thing—the more clarity we have around an issue, the easier it is to move through it.

But in the case of some absolutist diagnoses that box people in to a life of medication and/or restrictive thinking, I might suggest that considering a less fixed view—possibly even complete denial—isn\’t always such a bad thing.

In my case, being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression many years ago was, from the perspective of the health professionals I saw at the time, a life sentence of unavoidable management through psychotropic or antipsychotic chemicals with common side effects such as; blurred vision, dry mouth, drowsiness, muscle spasms or tremors, nausea and weight gain (not to mention forever feeling like you were “on drugs”—and not in a good way!).

For me it was basically a mental and physiological prison sentence — but I had plans to break out… somehow.

So whilst I took the diagnosis seriously and tried medication for a period of time, I eventually got sick of the complete stagnancy and discomfort of it all, chose denial as my path—at least, denial of the perceived permanence—and explored numerous natural avenues of management instead.

Here\’s what worked for me:

  1. a few counselling sessions to overcome triggers,
  2. a healthy microbiome-focussed wholefoods diet,
  3. avoidance of all processed and toxic foods,
  4. light exercise (although I\’m not very disciplined with this!),
  5. mindfulness and
  6. meditation.

These days, completely free from any sign of the “disorder” or clinical depression, the only side effect I experience from these “treatments” is genuine bliss, mental clarity and general wellbeing…. So thanks denial! 😉

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